I start a lot of things that I don’t get very far in before I give them up.
I’m usually pretty good at things right from the beginning, so it’s usually not because I’m struggling.
As I’ve thought about this over the years, I’ve become frustrated at finding that what I am bad at is consistency.
That always feels wrong to me though, as I can list a few things off the top of my head that I could definitely be considered a professional in; I’ve been doing them for ten years or more, and would consider my knowledge of those things among the upper tier of people involved in them.
“That’s because those things are what you’re interested in.”
I agree, but only to a certain extent. I really enjoyed a lot of the things that I gave up very quickly.
Part 1. The tools.
I have often lacked the tools to continue my pursuits. Sometimes those tools are quite expensive, and sometimes they are relatively cheap. Either way, I lack the tools. As soon as I hit this normally easy to overcome obstacle, I seek other pursuits. The basic reasoning is that without those tools I can’t continue. My excitement in what I’m pursuing is curbed just enough by this obstacle that I quit.
What I have just recently discovered is that I don’t know what I’m missing.
I make a value judgement of the investment needed based on where I’m at. Well, that seems right…but it means I cannot judge what is has given me, but my perception of what it will give me.
Example: A want a donut. Before I purchase, I decide which donut to get based on how much I have to spend. Then I purchase one, and eat it. During or after the eating, I decide my investment was or wasn’t worth it.
Before: Judge value based on perception of investment
After: Judge value based on investment.
I get that we can’t make all decisions post investment, but how great would that be?
I think I’ll be more willing to push through the initial investment phase though, and get the tools, before I decide how much I value what they can build.
Likely, I will enjoy what I built so much that the tools will seem totally worthwhile.