(Not included: Skydiving, tightrope walking, betting 20 million on the Broncos winning the Superbowl.)

Today I did some things I feel like I failed at. That means I have room to grow, and experience success.

The pain of failure (except in the case of jumping over a pit of spikes) can usually be offset by the optimism of future success and the knowledge of immediate growth.

This is as true in working out as it is in any other area.

If you fail, and you don’t die, you can learn.

If you fail and you die, you don’t have to learn.

If you fail and don’t die, and also don’t learn…well, what’s going on in there?

Philosophy over! Here’s today’s work-out:

(If you want to follow along but have no idea what some of these things are, just ask. I’m happy to support your learning and (most likely) -momentary- failure.)

Full Body Circuits!  Chest – Legs – Back – Core

5 Minutes Running in place (Warm Up)

1 Minute Running in Place between Each Circuit







Military Press 20 Jump Tucks 10 Two Finger Pull-Ups 8 Dragon Flag 10
One Arm Hold :15 per


High Knees :60 Swimmers :30 Prone-Walkout 10
Dive Bomber 10 Lunge 7 per


Close Grip Chin-Hang :30 Bridge 8
Burpee 10 Front Kicks 10 Per


Front Lever Training :15×5


Donkey Kick 12
“Girl” Push-Ups 40 One Leg Squat 5 per


Handstand Pushup 5 Lateral Wall Walk 14